To make the entrance into the arena for all participants smooth, please make yourself of the following guidelines.
1. Please have the team safety person have a copy of this Visitor Screening Questionnaire and use it to self assess each person prior to lining up for entrance 15 mins before ice time. It will also be posted on the door to the arena.
2. The Covid 19 guidelines (attached) must be printed out read and signed by each companion and coach the first time they enter arena. Arena staff will file so that it only needs to be completed once.
3. Next contact tracing form (attached) that must be submitted to arena staff of all coaches and players. Fill it out with your roster and it can be photocopied for repeated use.
4. Lastly companions will need to sign themselves in each time they enter for contact tracing. Please read email below from Rachelle Hardesty Community Development Manager from the Municipality. TMHA would like to thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through these circumstances together to maintain the safety of our community!

Thank you TMHA Executive